First off I just want to thank everyone who has cheered me on through all of this and to those who have been a rock for me to lean on when I needed it. I wouldn't have done so well without you! I'm so blessed to have each and everyone of you in my life. Thank you!
Well, mentally I am doing much better than I was when I blogged 4 weeks ago. I was an emotional wreck then and I was so frustrated. Since then I've done a lot of soul searching and thinking about the "me" two years ago and the "me" now. Two years ago I was 465lbs and fighting for disability because I was no longer able to work due to the severe pain and swelling in my back, legs, and feet which was caused by the weight. I was on 4-5 shots of insulin a day, medications for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other weight related illnesses. I am now down to 272 and off of all of those medications and I have very little swelling in my feet and legs and hardly any pain at all. I can honestly say I feel amazing compared to how I felt back then. I'm not the same person and I don't ever want to be that person again! I have no regrets what so ever about the choices I have made in the past year and I am thankful that I didn't talk myself out of the surgery before going through with it. I've started seeing a counselor for the depression and the issues that I've been having and he's helped open my eyes as to what's important and what I need to be doing to stay on track and reach the goals I've set for myself. There were certain things I was doing and wanted to do, but I felt that by doing them the way I wanted to that I was being selfish. When I talked to the counselor about these things he felt that they were things that would be in my best interest to follow through on. He made me realize that right now I need to be selfish and worry about taking care of myself and getting healthy and nothing else that could keep me from accomplishing what I set out for in the first place. So, that's what I am doing... 2011 is going to be all about reaching my goals and becoming a fit, healthy, and happy being. I will no longer worry about how my personal decisions that pertain to any of that are going to make others feel. If they can't understand that I am doing what I feel is best for my success at this than I don't need them in my way bringing me down. I can't believe I can actually sit and read or watch a program on TV about people with the issues I had two years ago and say, "I was that person." I've lost nearly 200lbs... an entire person! I honestly can't believe how far I have come, but I can say that I feel amazing and I don't ever want to not feel this way again. Here's to 2011... Health and Happiness! Have a great one everyone! ♥ Ya!
Anyone who doesn't understand and support why you have to be selfish right now should not be part of your life. I'm so glad that you are on the right track and have a positive outlook! Keep up the good work!!!